Reserve Bank of India ( RBI) had vide its Circular DNBS / PD / CC No. 95/ 03.05.002/ 2006-07 dated May 24, 2007 advised that Boards of Non-Banking Finance Companies(“NBFC”) to lay out appropriate internal principles and procedures in determining interest rates, processing and other charges. Further, vide circular DNBS (PD)C.C. No. 133 /03.10.001/ 2008-09 January 2, 2009, RBI advised the NBFCs to adopt appropriate interest rate models taking into account relevant factors and to disclose the rate of interest, gradations of risk and rationale for charging different rates of interest to different category of borrowers. Keeping view of the RBI Guidelines as cited above, the following internal guiding principles and interest rate model are therefore laid out by the board of Fundwiser Wealth India Private Limited (the “Company”). This policy should always be read in conjunction with RBI guidelines, directives, circulars and instructions. The Company will apply best industry practices so long as such practice does not conflict with or violate RBI guidelines.
The policy of the Company for determining Interest Rates, Processing and Other Charges is as follows: